Saint of the Day:

Explore the photo album collections by the horizontal main menu. You will find many postcards, holy cards, phone cards, envelopes, postal history, philatelic items and much more ...

Holy cards

First Visit? - Collecting site

Dear Friend collector, is a very simple and intuitive site. To visualize images click on the horizontal menù and you follow the links in the pages. The objects are divided for Place or Thematic. The galleries are structured with folder, underfolder and images. All very easy.

If you have the necessity of Zoom on an object (you for example want to observe well the indentation of a postage stamp) press "Ctrl +" more times and the image it will be magnified. Prizes "Ctrl 0" to reset the Zoom and to return to the normalcy.

It's possible to see the back?

You, can visualize the back of the objects!
Click on the link "Reverse Album" that you find in the pages of the objects and you tracks the object through the progressive number. Every object has a code identifier (ex: N2599).
On the back I have darkened with the computer the personal sensitive data to guarantee the maximum respect of the privacy. I don't have scanned all backs. The structure of the album of the Back is identical to those of the items with the the only difference that the objects are listed in base to the progressive number. On the back of the postcards and the holy cards, or where possible it is suitable with the pencil the progressive number and they are eventually suitable folds or defects or there is simply the writing "discreet conditions" if it not been preserved well.